1.01 World Net BoK


Our Mission is to build a library of Articles on a host of Net topics
Guiding you through the matrix of Your Own Website

So ... who are we?

Who: Who are we?
We are a team of Software Engineers, each with over 20 years experience in IT.

Our primary focus is creating, managing and maintaining Software and Databases, specializing in Website design, construction and support.

The BoK is a new project we are undertaking to boost our Web Presence and provide a Knowledge Base that is freely available to all.

At present, The BoK is in its infancy but the Team will be creating Acticles from their wealth of experience and we hope to encourage other contributors.

We look forward to creating The BoK for you and hope that you find it useful, informative and fun.
1.01 World Net™
A Net-tech company, 101World.net™ owns a number of Registered Names and manages them under the Umbrella Name: 1.01 World Net.
Bok: Book
1. a collection of sheets of paper
2. a work of literature
3. a published work
Swedish from Old Swedish bōk
Who: Who are we?
We are a team of Software Engineers, each with over 20 years experience in IT.

Our primary focus is creating, managing and maintaining Software and Databases, specializing in Website design, construction and support.

The BoK is a new project we are undertaking to boost our Web Presence and provide a Knowledge Base that is freely available to all.

At present, The BoK is in its infancy but the Team will be creating Acticles from their wealth of experience and we hope to encourage other contributors.

We look forward to creating The BoK for you and hope that you find it useful, informative and fun.

1.01 World Net BoK: Copyright

World Net BoK is published by 1.01 World Net™

  1. All text, artwork and digital images within this domain, are managed, published and copyrighted by 1.01 World Net (101World.net™)
  2. 101World.net retains ownership and all rights to media they publish, including (but not limited to):
    • All original text within fictional and non-fictional articles
    • All images, whether digital or not
  3. Articles and images published by 101World.net, CANNOT be used for ANY Commercial purposes, such as:
    • Trade
    • Merchandising
    • Advertising
    • Marketing
    • Training
    • Mock-ups
    • Promotional Leaflets or Videos
    • Or ANYTHING, other than viewing on media we own or manage
  4. Our published pages and content, whether digital or physical, CANNOT be viewed or distributed from ANY source, other than media OWNED BY, or DIRECTED TO, by 101World.net

For more information about 1.01 World Net, see our About Us page.

The BoK ... brought to you by 1.01 World Net

The BoK is a Book, a Body of Knowledge,
a collection of Articles, a Knowledge Base
of interesting and useful Information.

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